In association with AgStar
Launched early in 2024 AgStar is a range of premium crop-protection products, sourced by Farmlands, to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse customer-base - and it couldn’t have come at a better time. “The world is now a smaller place and we’ve been able to move up the value chain, to pull product directly from where it originates. This excites me, because it means we’re able to pass those savings on to Farmlands shareholders” says Darryl. Farmlands has been very selective about which new products to bring onboard, as part of a recent range review, but AgStar’s popularity has already been confirmed by sales numbers and positive reactions from the Farmlands Field Sales teams. With everything there has to be balance though, remarks Darryl.
“While AgStar is delivering beyond expectation, we also maintain a healthy respect for the proprietary products we sell, and the tremendous work that goes into their development to benefit farmers and growers. That being said, we’re delighted with the response to AgStar and how it’s being used across the country.” AgStar offers a diverse range of agchem products, relevant to a wide variety of farming and growing situations. Here is just a small selection you should consider this summer.
Clean and Clear (MCPB & MCPA)
A selective broadleaf herbicide to control a wide range of broadleaf weeds for use in new and established pasture. Clean and Clear is soft on clover, and with the addition of Fluent as a tank mix partner, the weed spectrum is increased even further.
Clever 360 (clethodim)
A post-emergent herbicide for selectively controlling grass weeds in a number of broadleaf crops including fodder brassicas, legume and forage herbs, forestry, orchards and more. Clever 360 must always be applied with a crop oil.
Outperform (chlorpyrifos)
This organophosphate insecticide controls a wide range of insect pests including Argentine Stem Weevil & Nysius. It’s an excellent addition to glyphosate before direct drilling. Make sure you note the 7-day withholding period for grazing, when using the product.
Distinct 500 (dicamba)
A selective broadleaf herbicide for the control of a wide range of difficult weeds in a number of crops including, cereal, maize, plantain and fodder brassica. Also an excellent tank mix partner with glyphosate to broaden the weed spectrum during spray-out. Please ensure you follow all recommendations on the label for each product.