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Equine Nutrition for Breeding

Words by Luisa Wood - Equine Nutritionist


Nutritional requirements of broodmares change throughout the stages of reproduction, and adopting a flexible feeding programme to ensure nutrients are being met at each phase is essential. 


Reproduction can be separated into early pregnancy, or first and second trimester at 0 to 7 months gestation, late pregnancy, or third trimester from 7 months gestation through to foaling, and lactation which generally lasts for 5 to 6 months post foaling.


In early pregnancy the mare’s energy and nutritional requirements are similar to maintenance.  While it is tempting for owners to increase feed at this stage, the ‘eating for two’ rule does not apply unless the mare has a foal at foot and is lactating as well. Increasing feed at this time can often lead to weight gain and associated problems, especially if the mare is generally a ‘good doer’. In early pregnancy, 1.5% body weight in forage and a concentrated high quality breeding pellet such as NRM Progress is normally sufficient.


Energy requirements in third trimester increase by approximately 15% from early pregnancy, and protein, amino acid and mineral requirements also increase significantly. Foetal nutrient requirements exceed mare’s maintenance requirements at this time and the mare’s diet must be adjusted accordingly. The most important nutrients for third trimester are zinc, manganese, iron, selenium and copper as these are found at low levels in the mare’s milk. Therefore the foal needs to store these in the liver in the last three months of pregnancy to compensate for the low levels they will be receiving once they are born. Regarding diet, adequate forage and a concentrate pellet such as NRM Progress, or a well-fortified feed such as NRM Evolve is ideal. Additional energy can be supplied in the form of grain or the high fat stabilised rice bran KER Equi-Jewel, if needed for weight maintenance.



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When the foal is born, the demands of lactation lead to large increases in requirements for energy, protein, calcium and phosphorous. Mares produce milk at a rate of 3% of their body weight daily and weight loss will occur if energy needs are not met. It is important not to underfeed in lactation and always provide adequate calories to prevent weight loss. NRM Evolve is ideal for lactating mares, and additional grain or Equi-Jewel can also be included in the diet to increase calories if required.


Both NRM Progress and Evolve are formulated with a new ingredient called Buffered Mineral Complex (BMC) from Kentucky Equine Research. BMC is research proven to improve bone mineral density in young horses, act as an effective stomach buffer to support gastric health, and maintain hindgut health by attenuating hindgut acidosis.


The overall goal of broodmare feeding is to provide adequate energy to maintain optimum body condition while ensuring protein, vitamin and mineral requirements are appropriate for her stage in the reproductive cycle. 


For assistance with feeding plans for broodmares at any stage of pregnancy, consult with an experienced equine nutritionist.