Words by Dr Rob Derrick – Head of Farmlands Product Development
Cow collars and ear tags have allowed many dairy farmers to manage by exception, focusing their limited resources on the few animals whose metrics are outside the norm.
To a lesser degree, the ability to mob sheep according to their needs gives sheep farmers some flexibility to also manage by exception. Having the ability to feed according to need increases the potential to fine-tune management for mobs or even individual sheep. The NRM sheep range has been extended over recent years to reflect the different needs of sheep according to their stage of life, pasture supply and level of production.
With tailored options for lambing, tupping and drought, don’t be afraid to ask your TFO or store for something out of season if it specifically meets your needs. As mill owners, Farmlands has the capacity and commitment to produce what our customers require when they need it.
Even when flock numbers increase it’s possible to manage by exception. This means monitoring body condition and managing accordingly, to boost weight gain or fertility. By-and-large, sheep are good convertors of New Zealand pasture, but supplementary feed offers a buffer against unpredictable weather and another level of nutrition which can be targeted at those that need it the most.