Setting up your hive


  • Setting up your hiveWhere possible, set your hives up in an area that has good access by foot or vehicle – a full honey box can weigh 30kg, so easy access is a must.

  • If you are beekeeping in an urban area, position your hives with entrances close to a fence or wall so the bees have to fly upwards. This gets them up and away from neighbours.

  • Place your hives in a warm, sunny, north facing spot with shelter and all day sun – this gets the bees up early and working all day. When possible, open up your hives during a warm day when most of the bees are out working. Avoid opening up on a cold or overcast day, as they will all be at home and grumpy.

  • It’s best to have more than one hive so if one dies or gets weak, you have another to divide or do a split from.

  • Always talk to your neighbours – keeping in contact lets you know if harmful crop spraying or other activities are happening that may put your hives at risk.

To Purchase a Ready To Go Hive like the one below visit your nearest Farmlands store.



Typical Hive Setup

Hive setupHive Strap
Locks hive together, protects from tipping with livestock potentially rubbing against hive.

Tin Roof
Protects your hive from the elements.

Hive Mat
Insulates the hive and helps to eliminate your roof being stuck down to the top of your hive by propolis.

Pre-Waxed Plastic Frames
Allows your bees to store their brood, nectar, pollen and honey.

Top Super
Either a stores box or honey super.
Queen Excluder
Excludes your queen bee from your honey supers.

Brood Box
Brood box for your queen to lay eggs, bees to raise brood and store food.
Hive Doctor Bottom Board
Keeps the hive up off the ground and ventilated. Includes built in entrance reducing options to assist in hive protection and transport.

Find out more about Ready To Go Hives